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Efficient management of workforce in a single pane of glass

construction laborers

Data-driven scheduling and labor optimization

Star Suite Workforce Management makes it easier to manage various teams, workers, skills, tasks, and deadlines all in one place. Automates and improves workforce by tracking the progress, from task assignments to completion, it significantly improves key metrics for service providers. By intelligently matching workers to tasks and dynamically adjusting schedules based on up-to-date data, while also enabling seamless collaboration among workers, WM ensures optimal resource utilization and minimizes downtime.

Star Suite WM highlights

Automated work orders

Provides automated work orders including all the information and step-by-step instructions for immediate resolution process, thereby minimizing downtime and overlaps by predictive maintenance.

Optimized allocation and scheduling

By assigning tasks based on staff availability, skills, location, deadlines, activities, and more, it enables efficient allocation and work scheduling, minimizing incorrect assignments and optimizing workforce utilization.

Tracking and status update

Monitor up-to-date status of the workforce activities, encompassing all phases of planning, execution, and evaluation to uphold operational efficiency and continuity.

Unified platform for diverse roles

Facilitates smooth data flow among administrators, field workers, teams, and stakeholders, ensuring timely access to the accurate information for streamlined tasks within a single system.

Explore further from Star Suite product family

Fault Management

Network Workflow Management

Network Inventory Management

SLA Management

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