Star Suite

All-in-one OSS

Ready-to-use telco product portfolio

Zero-touch network aspect

Domain & vendor agnostic

Modular &

5G and

Ability to manage hybrid networks (consisting of both legacy and next-generation components)

Fully compliant with the 3GPP specifications

Ready for the next-generation mobile networks with increasing volume of traffic

Ability to manage physical and virtual networks

Proficiency in managing a large number of network devices with optimal performance

Supporting new generation Open and Smart RAN

Minimized operational expenses

Implement cost-saving measures and adopt efficient network management, so operators can minimize operational expenses and enhance their financial performance.

maintenance cost reduction

by directing teams to the exact points with root-cause analysis

less labor cost

with the automation of network fulfillment tasks

decrement in SLA penalties

by automated SLA calculation

fewer outages

due to the detection and intervention of underperformed fibers

Life-saving services in force majeure

Every second after a natural disaster is vital and any delay directly affects human life. In catastrophic events, communication is crucial as it is a life-saving factor and depends on service continuity. Reveal the impact of a disaster within seconds.

root-cause elimination

based on topological correlations

faster response

with real-time alerting and automated ticketing process

faster recovery

with root-cause detection

Right planning for the right decisions

Strike a balance between network expansion and better investment decisions by maximizing ROI. Effective network planning tools for optimized resource utilization, misinvestment avoidance, and enhanced customer experience.

investment cost reduction

by revealing the entire network inventory

reduction in the planning effort

through automatic service provisioning and low level design

acquired customer satisfaction

by assessing the feasibility of regions in terms of traffic and capacity

Less time & effort for daily operations

Now, the focus is on intelligent network automation solutions. Zero-touch aspect is at the heart of each operation and process. Frictionless automation with lower operating costs, less staff, and less time.

In network planning

Almost 6 hours are saved per day

with the automation of routine tasks, allowing engineers to prioritize optimization efforts

In network operations

%42 less effort

in troubleshooting, maintenance, and optimization processes

Within NOC teams

30% reduction in employee workload

by providing visibility into network status and health with detailed and customizable dashboards

AI-driven performance & outage prediction

Just detecting outages is already an everyday job in today's competitive environment. Go one step further and predict problematic service performances before customers are impacted. With AI/ML-powered Performance & Outage Predictor (POP), operators achieve:


reduction in maintenance costs

by predicting potential issues in advance, reducing MTBF


reduction in penalties and costs associated with SLA breaches


reduction in customer churn level

through improved service continuity, enhancing overall customer satisfaction

Full visibility of your network

Better understanding of how your network infrastructure is organized. Map out elements across the entire network topology and visualize dependencies and interconnections in a live manner. Keep an eye on overall current network performance so you can reveal and resolve network blind spots faster.

Continuous and real-time monitoring

Quick and easy access to dashboards, historical data, and trend analysis

At-a-glance insights into the infrastructure and current status

Minimized downtime and optimized user experience



Top 9 Star Suite Highlights



Star Suite At-a-Glance



How Telecom Operators Benefit from Star Suite



A Brief Glimpse into Star Suite



A Game Changing Innovation: Star Suite



Full Product Portfolio for Telco



Star Module Features


Case Study

Learn From A Real User


White Paper

Zero-Touch Automation


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