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Configuration and Change


Seamless control through automated configuration tasks and instant changes

modern city with street lights representation

Automated configuration updates and changes, less inconsistencies and errors

How do you monitor and track configuration updates and changes on your network?

How long does it take to meet compliance requirements?

How important is automation to eliminate inconsistencies and errors?

One continuous task in the network is managing configurations and changes, implementing regular configuration backups and restoration to meet compliance requirements, and streamlining changes. These processes are prone to many errors and problems, considering the complex and constantly evolving nature of the network. Therefore, operators need to take control to eliminate inconsistencies and challenges that could expose the network to vulnerabilities. That's why automation is the key to achieving a high level of connectivity and quality of service.

Star Suite CCM highlights

Multi-vendor and multi-tech support

Supports various vendors and technologies, enabling the centralized management of configuration-related tasks through a unified platform.

Automated configuration process

Automation in creating configuration files, installing on devices, storing backups, and easy access for rollback when needed.

Keep track of changes in real-time

Gain real-time visibility into every aspect of changes in the network via historical records of who made which changes and when.

CMDB reconciliation

Detects and reconciles errors and differences in configuration data between sources and CMDB.

Optimized engineering operations

Allows engineers to focus on strategic tasks rather than repetitive tasks by eliminating the necessity for manual intervention.

Mitigate potential risks

Minimizes downtimes and human errors with proactive identification and preemptive resolution.

A complete overview of CIs

Gain in-depth information about each CI's attributes, relationships, dependencies, and status, providing a complete snapshot of your infrastructure's components.

Maintain reliability and consistency

Faultless network performance that meets the dynamic needs of the industry, safeguarding quality service delivery without compromise.

Explore further from Star Suite product family

Service Orchestration

Network Inventory Management

Service Provisioning & Activation

Service Inventory

Infrastructure Management

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